Nordic Issuing

Solves your issues

About us



Nordic Issuing has an ambition to create long-term and well-functioning business relations with all clients by offering qualitative services as an issuing agent. If you as a client are dissatisfied with the service Nordic Issuing has offered, it is important that you, as soon as possible, contact Nordic Issuing to present your objections.

At first hand Nordic Issuing recommends that you reach out to the person you have been in contact with regarding the service in question. Through this contact Nordic Issuing hopes to quickly be informed regarding your objections and find a solution to the problem.

If you are dissatisfied with the answer you receive from Nordic Issuing, you should contact the complaints manager at Nordic Issuing in writing according to the below mentioned. If you want to remark on a service, Nordic Issuing is grateful to receive copies of the business documents and similar information which is underlying the remark.

If we cannot reach an acceptable solution or you feel insecure if you have been treated correctly, you may turn to the institution Konsumenternas Bank- och Finansbyrå or to the Swedish National Board for Consumer Complaints (Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden).

The complaints manager at Nordic Issuing is Ida Nordehammar. In the event that it is the complaints manager who is the subject of a complaint, the Compliance officer becomes the person responsible for complaints.

The complaints manager is also contact person for the Swedish FSA, Konsumenternas Bank- och finansbyrå and the National Board for Costumer Complaints for questions regarding complaints.

If you have a complaint, please contact us via email at

You can also send a letter to us by post to the address:

Nordic Issuing AB
Att: Klagomålsansvarig
Stortorget 3
211 22 Malmö