Nordic Issuing

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Financial information and data

Financial information and data

Nordic Issuing publishes information on capital buffers, liquidity risks, and statistics on orders executed in accordance with the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/576 and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s regulations (FFFS 2014:12).

Capital buffers and liquidity risks

The information presented below applies to ATS Finans AB (corp. No. 556736-8195), currently undergoing a name change to Spotlight Stock Market AB, in which Nordic Issuing’s operations were previously conducted, under a special company name Sedermera Fondkommission together with the other business area and the special company name Spotlight Stock Market. In accordance with the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority regulations (FFFS 2014:12) regarding prudential requirements and capital buffers and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority regulations (FFFS 2010:7) regarding management of liquidity risks in credit institutions and investment firms, ATS Finans AB shall provide the following information and it shall be available on the company’s website. ATS Finans AB publishes information on capital buffers and risk management jointly for the two business areas below.

Information as per the latest report, 2021-03-31
Information on capital base ATS Finans AB Spotlight Group
Capital instrument 15 791 750 SEK 17 642 500 SEK
of which: share capital 15 791 750 SEK 12 932 500 SEK
of which: share premium 4 710 000 SEK
Balanced result 30 481 631 SEK 53 204 663 SEK
Untaxed reserves 3 340 914 SEK
The result of the period 6 786 996 SEK 6 138 934 SEK
Goodwill for intangible assets -1 186 007 SEK -25 967 595 SEK
Other intangible assets
Adjustments due to proposed dividend -10 346 000 SEK
Total regulatory adjustments of Common Equity Tier 1 capital -1 186 007 SEK -36 313 595 SEK
Common Equity Tier 1 capital 55 215 284 SEK 40 672 502 SEK
Other Tier 1 capital
Supplementary capital
Total capital base 55 215 284 SEK 40 672 502 SEK


Information on exposure amount ATS Finans AB Spotlight Group
Total risk-weighted exposure amount
Credit risk (the standard method) 50 160 983 SEK 45 181 770 SEK
Institutions 6 642 159 SEK 9 289 674 SEK
Companies 15 447 219 SEK 21 213 109 SEK
Other (non-households)
Settlement risk (the standard method)
Market risk (the standard method)
Operational risk (the standardized method) 204 413 241 SEK 203 269 532 SEK
Total risk-weighted exposure 254 574 224 SEK 48 451 302 SEK


Information on capital buffer ratio ATS Finans AB Spotlight Group-koncernen
Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio 21,69% 16,37%
Tier 1 capital ratio 21,69% 16,37%
Total capital adequacy ratio 21,69% 16,37%
Combined buffer requirement 6 364 356 SEK 6 211 283 SEK
Capital conservation buffer 6 364 356 SEK 6 211 283 SEK
Countercyclical buffer
System risk buffer
Total capital requirements including buffer requirements 26 730 294 SEK 26 087 387 SEK
Total capital requirements including buffer requirements and additional Pillar II requirements 26 730 294 SEK 26 087 387 SEK


Information on internal capital requirements ATS Finans AB   Spotlight Group  
Total capital requirement of which capital requirements Pillar II Total capital requirement of which capital requirements Pillar II
Credit risk and counterparty risk 4 012 879 SEK 3 614 542 SEK
Market risk
Operational risk 16 353 059 SEK 16 261 563 SEK
Total 20 365 938 SEK 19 876 105 SEK


Information on liquidity

ATS Finans AB Spotlight Group
Liquidity reserve
Cash and balances with credit institutions 33 212 000 SEK 46 449 000 SEK
Financing, excluding client funds
Equity 53 060 377 SEK 76 986 097 SEK
Liabilities 29 683 610 SEK 37 952 213 SEK
Balance sheet total 82 743 987 SEK 114 938 310 SEK
Key figures
Liquidity reserve / Balance sheet total (%) 40% 40%
Equity / Balance sheet total (%) 64% 67%
Cash and balances with credit institutions / current liabilities (%) 131% 122%
Gross price (%) 68% 46%


Statistics on completed customer orders

The information presented below applies to ATS Finans AB (corp. No. 556736-8195), currently undergoing a name change to Spotlight Stock Market AB, in which Nordic Issuing’s operations were previously conducted, under a special company name Sedermera Fondkommission together with the other business area and the special company name Spotlight Stock Market. The statistics are published in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/576 of 8 June 2016 supplementing Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the annual publication by investment firms of information on

the identity of execution venues and on the quality of execution. Nordic Issuing is authorised to execute orders on behalf of customers. Due to the fact that these transactions are relatively few in number and that the securities concerned are only listed on one (1) marketplace, the statistics regarding these transactions are relatively brief.

Shares (Non-professional clients)

Market: Spotlight Stock Market

Traded volume (%): 100

Orders executed (%): 100

Passive (%): 87.50

Aggressive (%): 12.50

Directed (%): 0


Shares (Professional customers)

Market: Spotlight Stock Market

Traded volume (%): 100

Orders executed (%): 100

Passive (%): 62.01

Aggressive (%): 37.99

Directed (%): 0”