Enersize Oyi
9 Jun - 23 Jun 2020Rights issue of shares
Enersize Oyj is a Finnish company with business within compressed air systems. Amongs other. they produce software for diverse compilation of data and analysis.
Their platform exists of several components, such as sensoric networks, cloud solutions with big data management and analytical tools. Through the data compiled by the sensors inefficiency and malfuntions in the compressed air system be discovered and Enersize could through this make the system more efficient.
The services are used in industrial air compressor systems and the clients are found in a great range of businesses, such as the car industry, steel and electronic industry. The company was listed at Nasdaw First North Stockholm in June 2017.
Enersize’s headoffice is located in Helsingfors, Finland. They have a sales office in Gothenburg and an office for development in Lund.
Read more on the company's website
The offer in summary
Cross-border rights issue of shares: Sverige and Finland
Subscription period Sweden: 9 June - 23 June 2020
Subscription period Finland: 9 June - 25 June 2020
Trade in subscription rights (Sweden only): 9 June - 18 June 2020
Trade in BTA (Sweden only): 9 June - mid July 2020
Share capital increase: 17,3 MSEK
Subscription price Sweden: 0,17 SEK
Subscription price Finland: 0,0163 EUR
Terms and conditions: One (1) existing share gives one (1) subscription right and one (1) subscription right gives the subscriber the right to subscribe for one (1) new share
Marketplace: Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm