Nordic Issuing

Ongoing case

Ngenic AB (publ)

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Ngenic AB (publ)

9 Jun - 23 Jun 2022Rights issue

Ngenic is creating a platform for the smart home with a suite of digitalized energy services for consumers, property owners, and energy companies. Ngenic offers Fairshare, which includes individual measurement and billing (AMR) for property owners. With Fairshare, control and communication are made simple with a clear overview of properties. With Tune Highrise, residents receive increased comfort while saving energy. Ngenic is currently working with over 70 energy companies as well as over 100 property owners and housing associations. Our systems and products increase the cost-effectiveness of existing infrastructure in electricity and district heating networks.

Read more on Ngenics website

The offer in summary

Record date: 7 June 2022

Subscription period: 9 June-23 June 2022

Subscription rights: One (1) existing share in the Company entitles to one (1) subscription right. Seven (7) subscription rights entitle to subscribe for three (3) new shares.

Subscription price: 12,50 SEK

The offer: Maximum 2 003 649 shares which corresponds to about 25 MSEK

Trading with rights: 9 June-20 June 2022

Market place: Nasdaq First North Growth Market

Financial advisor: Redeye AB

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