PolarCool AB
24 Sep - 8 Oct 2020Rights issue
PolarCool AB är ett medicintekniskt bolag som utvecklar produkter tänkta för användning i direkt anslutning till skador mot huvudet, så som hjärnskakningar och upprepade huvudkollisioner. Bolagets vision är att kontrollerad kylning av huvudskador inom idrott- och fritidsverksamhet ska bli en standardbehandling för att begränsa hjärnskador inom olika former av kontakt- och kampidrotter.
PolarCool AB is a medtech company developing product for use in direct connection with injuries to the head, such as concussions and repeated collisions against the head. The vision of the company is that controlled cooling of head injuries within sport- and leisure should be a standard treatment to minimize brain injuries within different kinds of contact- and martial arts.
Millions of athletes are affected of concussions or repeated violence against the head each year. The ones affected risk their future carreer within sport, long abscence, problems such as headaches, sensitivity to sound and light, nausea, and sometimes chronic ailments. Long rehabilitation is often needed before an affected athlete can continue fully with the activity. Repeated concussions could even lead to serious consequences such as higher risk of getting Alzheimers disease and CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), which the company aims to reduce the risk of with their CE-certified product PolarCap® System, developed to be used in direct connection to the occasion of the injury.
Read more on the company's website
The offer in summary
Subscription period: 24 September - 8 October 2020
Subscription price: 3,00 SEK per share
Marketplace: Spotlight Stock Market
Share capital increase: Approximately 10,7 MSEK