Sensidose AB

19 Apr - 3 May 2022IPO
Sensidose AB is a pharmaceutical company that has developed an innovative system to be able to offer individualized treatment for Parkinson’s disease. The company is up to date with the proprietary drug Flexilev®, which in combination with Sensidose’s self-manufactured dosing device MyFID® can ensure a precise individual dosage for the disease. In the EU, there are approximately 1.2 million people with Parkinson’s disease, and according to the board’s assessment, Sensidose has one of the most affordable methods for treating the disease in the advanced phase. The treatment with Flexilev® and MyFID® is approved in eleven countries and market expansion is currently planned in Finland and Poland.
Read more at the company's website
The offer in summary
Subscription period: 19 April - 3 May 2022
Price: 10.70 SEK per unit
Lowest amount of subscription: 400 units corresponding 4 280.00 SEK
Unit: One unit consists of two (2) shares and one (1) warrant of series TO 1.
TO 1: One (1) warrant entitles the notifier to subscribe for one (1) new share at a price of SEK 9.00 during the subscription period that takes place during the period from 1 June 2023 to 15 June 2023.
Issuingvolume: The offer comprises a maximum of 2,265,000 units, which corresponds to 4,530,000 shares and 2,265,000 warrants.
Valuation (pre-money): 40 MSEK
First day of trading: planned to 10 May 2022
Marketplace: Spotlight Stock Market
Financial advisors: Sedermera Corporate Finance