Sensor Alarm Norden AB
24 Mar - 7 Apr 2021IPO
Sensor Alarm has in a short time established itself as a challenger in the Swedish market for home alarms with its pioneering technology and currently has over 2,000 paying customers. Sensor Alarm offers a new generation of home alarm technology that replaces the need for magnetic contacts, cameras and motion detectors. The basic technology, which is based on advanced air pressure technology, is well proven and has been used in the mining industry, among other things. The company has adapted and further developed the technology to suit the home alarm market. With only a smart device that reads the air pressure in a building, the alarm immediately detects changes in air pressure, such as if a door is opened, broken, or if a window pane is broken.
Subscription for shares is binding and must be done via your bank/trustee by following their routines and guidelines. It is not possible to send a subscription form to Nordic Issuing. Please note that not all banks/trustees offer their customers to subscribe in the issue.
Read more at the company's website
The offer in summary
Subscription period: 24 March - 7 April 2021
Subscription price: 8.00 SEK
Minimum subscription: 660 shares (corresponding SEK 5 280. 00)
Capital raise: Approximately 22,4 MSEK
Number of shares before IPO: 5 332 500 shares
Valuation (pre money): Approximately 42,7 MSEK
Subscription commitments: The Company has received subscription commitments corresponding to approximately 11.4 MSEK
Marketplace: The share is planned to be listed on Spotlight Stock Market. First day for trading is expected to be 23 April 2021