Nordic Issuing

Solves your issues

What we offer


An IPO (Initial Public Offer) is a new issue in a company where the securities are directed to the public in connection to a listing in a stock market. Common reasons for conducting an IPO is to procure capital for the company and to broaden the owner base to provide appropriate prerequisites for liquidity in the trading.  

To become a listed company, a few requirements need to be fulfilled. For example, the company needs to be affiliated to Euroclear Sweden AB and there needs to be a minimum of shareholders in the company. You can read more about affiliating your company to Euroclear here. 

Nordic Issuing is able to provide all administration required in connection to an IPO. This includes affiliating the company to Euroclear prior to the IPO, draft subscription forms and compile these during the subscription period. We are also able to handle escrow for the submitted subscriptions and distribute settlement notes to the allocated subscribers in the IPO. As an issuing agent, we will continuously be in contact with Euroclear with regards to ordering of the financial instruments and the delivery of them to the subscribers. 

If you are interested in what services Nordic Issuing is able to offer when conducting an IPO, don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.