QP Group AB

19 Aug - 30 Aug 2024Bid offer
Bind offer to the shareholders os QP Group AB
Conferize AS, Org.Nr 34472742 (“Conferize”, “the Company” or “Acquirer”) presented 19 August a bid offer to the shareholders in QP Group AB (“QP Group”). The shares in QP Group are not traded on a marketplace.
The acceptance period for the Offer runs from August 19, 2024, up to and including August 30, 2024. The Acquirer reserves the right to extend the acceptance period for the Offer. Delivery of the shares of consideration is expected to commence as soon as possible after the end of the acceptance period.
The Acquirer offers 0,66 shares for each share in QP Group which is not already owned by Conferize or its relatives.
Read more about Conferize here
The offer in summary
Acceptance period: 19 August - 30 August 2024
Terms: Each share in QP Group AB entitle 0,66 shares in in Conferize AS.