DanCann Pharma A/S

7 Oct - 23 Oct 2020IPO
DanCann Pharma A/S was founden in 2018 and is a Danish pharmaceutical and biotech company with their business within cannabionoids. Their foucs is to discover, develop, manufacture and commercialize new cannabionoid pharmaceuticals within a broad spectra of hostpial areas.
The company was founded due to a lack of availability of cannabinoid based pharmaceuticals shortly after the new pilot programme for medical cannabis in Denmark was launched.
DanCann Pharma is licensed to handle euphorical substances, and during the summer of 2018 they received a license as one of the first companies to handle and farm cannabis for medical use.
The company produces and distributes prescripted pharmaceuticals (Rx pharmaceuticals) and prescription free pharmaceuticals (OTC), mainly focused on pain patients and alternative treatment to handle their diseases, covered by the Danish pilot programme for medical cannabis, aiming at new groups of patiemts and additional segments.
Read more on the company's website
The offer in summary
Subscription period: 7 oktober - 23 oktober
Price per unit: 22.50 DKK
Minimum subscription : 200 units
Marketplace: Spotlight Stock Market
First day of trading: Planned to 12 november 2020
Share ISIN: DK0061410487
Warrant ISIN: DK0061410560
Financial advisor: Corpura Fondkommission AB