Nordic Issuing

Ongoing case

Gradientech AB

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Gradientech AB

9 Dec - 23 Dec 2021Rights issue (unlisted)

Gradientech is a Swedish company in diagnostics that develops and offers products and software for high-quality analyzes of how cells react to various biological substances.

The products are based on microfluidic technology – the theory of how liquids that are physically delimited to a micrometer scale behave. Combined with real-time measurement of living cells, microfluidic technology enables precise medical applications.

Read more at the company's website

The offer in summary

Record date: 7 December 2021

Subscription period: 9 - 23 December 2021

Subscription price: 20,50 SEK per share

Subscription rights: One (1) existing share in the Company entitles to one (1) subscription right. Three (3) subscription rights entitle to subscribe for one (1) new share.

Financial adviser: Redeye AB

The offer: Maximum 4 068 607 shares. The offer is aimed at existing shareholders and professional investors.


