Hellström Gin AB (publ)

1 Apr - 22 Apr 2021Issue of B-shares (unlisted)
Hellström Gin was founded in 2019 of the worlds youngest master distiller Elisabeth Hellström, raised on Gotland in Sweden and with an education in the technique of destillation from the Netherlands.
Elisaneth’s idea was to create a gin inspired by the wild nature of Gotland. Hellström Gin is the first gin producer of Gotland and the distillery is located in an old dairy in Hablingbo. The gin is produced and distilled in a handcrafted copper pan from Germany and was launched in April 2020.
During the year of 2020 more than 20 000 bottles of Hellström Dry Gin has been sold. The product succeeded to qulify into Systembolagets ordinary sortiment in March 2021 and in September it will be found in around 150 Systembolaget stores in Sweden. Hellström Gin has also been rewarded to the “microdistillery of the year – 2020” in the prestigeous competition Gin Masters in the United Kingdom.
In 2020 more than 100 restaurants and bars in Sweden has admitted the product into their sortiment and the company has signed agreements with several restaurant wholesalers in Sweden. The ambition is to grow into one of the leading distillery’s in Europe.
Read more at the company's website
The offer in summary
Subscription period: April 1 - April 22, 2021
Price: 15,00 SEK per B-share
Lowest subscription post: 250 B-shares (equal to 3,750.00 SEK)
Highest subscription post: 32 000 B-shares (equal to 480,000.00 SEK). Please contact Nordinc Issuing if you wish to subscribe for a higher amount than this.
Issue volume: 80 000 B-shares equal to 1,200,000.00 SEK
Payment day: Payment shall be made at the same time subscription is submitted
“When I developed the recipe to Hellström Dry Gin I wanted to catch the taste of Gotland. It took more than a year to develop the recipe. The result is a floral and herbal gin with a clear focus of juniper berries, which grow all around the island.”
Elisabeth Hellström, CEO and founder